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неделя, 29 август 2010 г. - News from Sky & Telescope - One Star, Seven Planets - News from Sky & Telescope - One Star, Seven Planets
An artist's impression of the many worlds orbiting the Sunlike star HD 10180.
ESO / L. Calçada

четвъртък, 19 август 2010 г.

14 th EAAE-IAU Astronomy Summer School September 1 st - 5 th 2010 in Varna (Bulgaria)


* European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE)
* International Astronomical Union (IAU)
* Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium-Varna,
* Regional Inspectorate of Ministry of education and science-Varna,
* Bulgarian Astronomical Society,
* Society of Innovative Teachers in Bulgaria,
* National Astronomical Observatory-Rozhen and
* Shumen University.

The Summer School is for school teachers interested in astronomy.
The Summer School is not aimed at experts.
The preliminary theme of this Summer School is " Teaching Astronomy at the beginning of the 21 st century".

The aim of the organisers is to promote very active participation and the exchange of ideas.

General Lectures will be presented by EAAE and IAU members.
Workshops will be held in two groups (each 30 participants).
The objective of WS is to offer teachers very practical and didactic presentations presented by EAAE and IAU members.
Observation sessions can be held during the Summer School depending on the weather.
The goal is to introduce the participants to all types of astronomical observations.

The course will offer participants special observations using the Astronomical observatory and planetarium - Varna
Астрономическа школа за учители
1 – 5 .09. 2010


* Европейска организация за астрономическо образование (EAAE)
* Международен астрономически съюз (IAU)
* Астрономическа обсерватория и планетариум, Варна
* Регионален инспекторат на МОМН, Варна
* Български астрономически съюз
* Общество на учителите новатори в България
* Национална астрономическа обсерватория - Рожен
* Университет „Епископ Константин Преславски”, Шумен

Основни дейности:
Лекции, представени от членове на EAAE и IAU, представители на МОМН.
Практически упражнения – участниците ще бъдат разделени в две групи (5-7 кл. и 8-12 кл.)
Наблюдения – ще се проведат наблюдения на Слънцето и на Луната, планети и звездното небе. Наблюденията ще се проведат в Астрономическата обсерватория и планетариум-Варна.
Постерна сесия – учителите ще представят постери, в които са отразени техни практически астрономически дейности.

Такса за правоучастие: 25 лв ( включва сборник с всички материали от школата + DVD с компютърните презентации и учебните анимации и филми, кафепаузи )
Завръшилите курса ще получат сертификат за преминалото обучение, издаден от Европейската асоциация за астрономическо образование.

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четвъртък, 12 август 2010 г.

неделя, 8 август 2010 г.


Wednesday 11th to Saturday 14th of August 2010

From Wednesday 11th to Saturday 14th of August 2010 the Virtual Astronomer @VirtualAstro with the British Astronomical Association @britastro Beyond International Year of Astronomy and amateur astronomers, will be holding a Twitter Meteorwatch for the Perseid Meteor Shower.

Everyone is welcome to join in, whether they are an astronomer, have a slight interest in the night sky or just wonder?

As well as looking up, enjoying the night sky with us and seeing meteors, maybe for the first time? You will have the opportunity to contribute to Science if you wish, by tweeting and seeing your results on a map, or by submitting Observing Forms if you are a more serious observer.

This event follows on from the popular Twitter Meteorwatch held in August and December 2009 "Meteorwatch 2009"

Use the hash tag: #Meteorwatch and get involved, ask questions, do some science, follow the event and enjoy the wonders of the night sky with us. Images and other information will be tweeted as it happens. Live!

The highlight of the summer meteor showers: The Perseids, reach maximum around The 12th of August and may put on a display of aproximately 80 to 100 meteors per hour under ideal viewing conditions. Conditions this year are good due to there being no moon visible. Let’s hope the skies stay clear.

Perseid meteors are often bright with persistent trails which can linger for a while after the meteor has burned up. Further information on the Perseid meteor shower and how to view it, can be found in this site.

While you are looking for meteors, there will be other objects to look out for such as the Planet Jupiter, the Milky Way, Summer Triangle and manmade Satellites and more.

The Twitter Meteorwatch will start at 21.30 BST on the 11th of August and will continue through to the evening of the 14th of August. Amateur and professional astronomers from the US and other countries are invited to join in and take over from the UK, when the sun comes up here, helping make the event run continuously and be truly international. The event will close in the UK, in the early hours of the 15th of August 2010.


Wednesday 11th to Saturday 14th of August 2010

From Wednesday 11th to Saturday 14th of August 2010 the Virtual Astronomer @VirtualAstro with the British Astronomical Association @britastro Beyond International Year of Astronomy and amateur astronomers, will be holding a Twitter Meteorwatch for the Perseid Meteor Shower.

Everyone is welcome to join in, whether they are an astronomer, have a slight interest in the night sky or just wonder?

As well as looking up, enjoying the night sky with us and seeing meteors, maybe for the first time? You will have the opportunity to contribute to Science if you wish, by tweeting and seeing your results on a map, or by submitting Observing Forms if you are a more serious observer.

This event follows on from the popular Twitter Meteorwatch held in August and December 2009 "Meteorwatch 2009"

Use the hash tag: #Meteorwatch and get involved, ask questions, do some science, follow the event and enjoy the wonders of the night sky with us. Images and other information will be tweeted as it happens. Live!

The highlight of the summer meteor showers: The Perseids, reach maximum around The 12th of August and may put on a display of aproximately 80 to 100 meteors per hour under ideal viewing conditions. Conditions this year are good due to there being no moon visible. Let’s hope the skies stay clear.

Perseid meteors are often bright with persistent trails which can linger for a while after the meteor has burned up. Further information on the Perseid meteor shower and how to view it, can be found in this site.

While you are looking for meteors, there will be other objects to look out for such as the Planet Jupiter, the Milky Way, Summer Triangle and manmade Satellites and more.

The Twitter Meteorwatch will start at 21.30 BST on the 11th of August and will continue through to the evening of the 14th of August. Amateur and professional astronomers from the US and other countries are invited to join in and take over from the UK, when the sun comes up here, helping make the event run continuously and be truly international. The event will close in the UK, in the early hours of the 15th of August 2010.