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четвъртък, 25 октомври 2012 г.

Астрономически календар: Фази на Луната през октомври 2012г.

Астрономически календар: Фази на Луната през октомври 2012г.: Последна четвърт 08.X 10:33 Новолуние 15.X 15:03 Първа четвърт 22.X 06:32 Пълнолуние 29.X 21:50...

четвъртък, 20 септември 2012 г.

Teaching astronomy and Space

Teaching Astronomy and Space: Classroom Demonstrations

These short video clips, from the Teaching Astronomy and Space DVD produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and Teachers TV, show simple, accessible and effective demonstrations that can be carried out with students. The demonstrations do not require specialised equipment and help students to understand topics that include:

• what makes a comet
• the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
• the colour and temperature of stars
• electromagnetic radiation
• why is the sky blue?
• orbits of planets and comets
• solar eclipses
• the phases of the moon
• light intensity and distance from the equator
• red and blue wavelength shift in light

четвъртък, 7 юни 2012 г.

неделя, 3 юни 2012 г.

вторник, 6 март 2012 г.

Планетарна асоциация

Много пълна астрономична информация може да намерите тук

Католог на екзопланети.

Ever since the first exoplanet was discovered in the mid-1990s, we’ve had an explosion of discoveries, revealing hundreds of strange worlds orbiting faraway stars. but surely, as detection techniques improve, scientists are closing in on the exoplanet we are all waiting for: a world like our own, a distant "Earth" orbiting an alien star.

In order to share with you all that has been found to date, The Planetary Society -- with support from our members -- created the Catalog of Exoplanets. Here you will find a regularly updated database of all known exoplanets.

Our catalog is designed with resources for every level of study whether you are a professional, amateur, teacher, student, or simply want to find out what the buzz is about the latest exoplanet discovery.
Повече информация тук

четвъртък, 2 февруари 2012 г.

Живот на Марс: тераформиране на Червената планета

Научен факт или научна фантастика? Маргарита Маринова от Калтех, САЩ, разглежда възможността за създаване на условия за живот на Марс.
Повече подробности тук

петък, 27 януари 2012 г.

Ancient Astronomers Were No Fools

There’s no doubt ancient astronomers were clever folk. Realizing Earth was round, estimating the Sun’s distance, discovering heliocentricity — it’s quite a list. But Brad Schaefer (Louisiana State University) suggested at the recent American Astronomical Society meeting in Austin that we should add another light bulb to the glow shining from history: ancient astronomers may have corrected for dimming caused by the atmosphere, centuries before anyone came up with a physical model for it.
For more information click here